Checking revision… The form you have selected has the wrong form ID. The file you have selected is not a master form. Would you like to The status of this form does not allow the creation of new forms. The status or status message of this form has changed. or cancel opening the form? continue using your current version, look for the master form, or cancel? Don’t Open Open Informed Manager™ was unable to check for a new revision of this form. The master form was busy. The form you have selected is a master form. You must make a copy of the form before it can be opened. Update OK Cancel Continue Look In an attempt to check for a new revision, Informed Manager™ was unable to locate the master form. Updating form… Your form is up to date. , continue using your current version, or cancel opening the form? A new revision of this form is available. Would you like to update your copy now This form is discontinued. You must update to the latest revision before you can use it. This form is ^0. You should update to the latest revision as soon as possible. Discontinued Non-current Current Not Distributed The selected document is locked or resides on a locked disk. You may view the contents, but not enter any changes. Would you like to continue?